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3D, 5D,Timeline shifts

During the election year of 2016 i honestly could not believe that everyone i knew was into Hilary just because she was a woman. I knew nothing about Donald Trump, and literally paid zero attention to him because the aura that Hilary Clinton gave off was so scary hairy politician that i just wrote the whole thing off. But it took me some deliberation:

Today I am fully neutral in politics, even though i definitely swayed democratic in my younger years, I have since renounced the whole business.

I used to think that my vote was so important- but during the election of 2016 i had no desire to choose between the lesser of two evils, or rather, either of the don't-want-to-know-about-psychopaths.

But at the time, i thought about trying...I was in California, temporarily living and working on my friend's farm in the wilds of the Nevada City area.

Being a registered voter in the state of Florida, I realized that by the time I got my shit together to get an absentee ballot, it was too late- or actually something was weird with my signature and I couldn't get it in on time (something like that) and so I thought about flying home just to vote.

Then it occurred to me that that would be an unprecedented silly thing to do as I was making money and having a good ol' time in CA, why would I allow the voting system to interfere with my life (like its designed to do)? besides Hilary is going to win, no doubt, so I decided to continue doing what I was doing and remained in CA.

In October, the month leading up to the election, I had hands down, the most incredible paranormal experience of my life (so far). It came with an unspoken message. I'm not entirely sure how to express this message other than it was a feeling that has to do with telling this story, telling my story, and ultimately for me that means writing a book (which will entail the details of this experience). it felt like a responsibility to be myself was handed to me.

The night of the election came up on us fast.

I had been hanging out with a friend who was also living and working on the farm.

He voted, and we both just knew that Hilary would win.

That evening we decided to go to a semi popular hot spring spa that was open late high in the Sierra Mountains. It was a long drive but we were up for the adventure.

We stopped at a bar on the way up to pee and the T.V.'s were blaring the poll counting and Hilary was up. The population of the bar was very red and also very angry, and we hustled out of there as fast as we could, trying not to make any eye contact.

Back to the car bubble.

The night was clear and cool when we arrived at the hot spring. It was very late and we went to pay the entrance fee to the man at the gate.

We had a simple transaction and then he looked at me and said "I don't know if either of you are interested... but Trump is the new president"

In that moment my head sucked through a foggy straw; the man and window that he sat in recessed a few meters away from me like a stretched rubber band. It was a trauma, a meltdown, a skip in time.

There is no other way to describe this other than i went through a vortex. I think we all did.

And we all do... probably always, but this experience was especially strange and i recognized it as something similar that had happened to me only one other time in 2010- however it was way more intense the first time and profoundly changed me in many ways as it spawned within me a spiritual awakening. I couldn't put a finger on until i experienced a full transmission in 2017.

We had a strange and quiet rest of our evening among other strange and quiet people at the spa

Similarly, I wasn't aware of the complexity of the Trump experience until a couple years later, when i was living in Lake Havasu City, AZ for work in 2018:

One full moon evening i borrowed a kayak to paddle on the lake to watch the moon rise.

I was listening to Youtube videos and a video about Donald Trump came up on autoplay. It was actually so interesting.

That night was Trumps birthday, i think his 70th, and all the Q-anon people were making all these weird connections with everything, but the video was interesting because he was born on an eclipsed full moon. And the video continued to talk about something along the lines of Trump's uncle being the sole proprietor of Nikola Tesla's works after he died. The video continued on to say that there were many experiments with time travel in the military. And then the video spoke of Ingersoll Lockwood, the American lawyer and writer that wrote a couple books of interest, Baron Trump's Marvelous Adventure, and 1900: The Last President, which talks of NYC , Trump Tower, riots and more, both written in the 1890's.

Prophetic and bizarre.

That evening opened my mind to the possibility that we all experienced a timeline shift when Donald Trump became president in 2016.

Like it was a catalyst of some kind.

It definitely was for me.

That video alone lead me down a rabbit hole of things not related to the current politics but rather I went on a huge adventure of discovering many truths, about the hidden history of the past and the incredible potential our future. Things that lit my intuition up. I embarked on holding the trust worthy hands of astrology, and began taking my personal healing journey more seriously, which included manifesting a new life for myself.

At this time period Saturn and Pluto were beginning their major (Great) conjunction in the sign of Capricorn, and as the astrologers frankly admitted that the down fall of authoritarianism is imminent.

And as we slide into the age of Aquarius, we will see the systematic disassembling of political structures around the world and especially the United States with a sweet rise in community and co-creation.

A precursor event also pertaining to this was that epic complete solar eclipse that crossed north America, a sign since the days of old of the downfall of a country whose direct line crosses.

Downfall of a country what? you might ask; of the old systems! we are entering a new earth, big changes are coming and for the better. Many things have been pushing us towards our brighter future and the suggestion is to hold on to your britches as we watch the whole thing sink, while simultaneously spreading your wings to take flight in the flock of the 5D. Some even say the the two worlds will be coexisting simultaneously; other prophecies like of the Hopi say we have a choice and that we all must go together, walking the path with nature, choosing our Mother Earth otherwise we humans are doomed.

I haven't voted since Obama and I am no fan of Trump or Biden or any of them, i am however so excited to live in these times and see what surprises lay around the corner. I'm excited to unite with other humans and live harmoniously with our natural surrounding. I'm excited to write my book to share with like minded individuals.

I know we all have some fire to walk through in these upcoming years so I have found that Trusting in the guidance of nature and the ancestors brings me the peace and love that i feel helps me be the person that i am-

i learned to listen and not react too much anymore.

A lovely consequence to following astrology, is that I have felt fully equipped to hold space for the etherial (5D) and let the mundane (3D) play out.

Why were we born into this life and forced into these systems is beyond me, and maybe its all my fault that Trump became president! My one vote could have changed the world! who knows!?

One thing is for sure, that not everything is what it seems to be.

And we are lucky to be alive and apart of this great transformation.

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